Norovirus Part 3
Respectively, can also cause complications you, if the facility of the elderly, to him norovirus outbreaks, it could also result in the lives of many people.
Also, since it does not and influenza, measles, rubella like that immunity can be once, when it may be infected with norovirus many times.
It is because there is the same thing that all of norovirus.
There are several types to the virus, there seems to be a different type of norovirus infection in the next Also, once people became ill.
Since there is no case or you do not take it the second time it is immune symptoms, such as light, can not be so careless sometimes the same people have been infected several times.
If an adult person is infected, in some cases as infants and the elderly, symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea that norovirus is not.
For example, in some cases because the coughing and sneezing just comes out, of course, is not not think myself that it is norovirus.
If you think if you had symptoms like this, "Do I have a cold" is the most I have, will not some people never suspected norovirus.
But at that time I will have a norovirus that have already put the body in a cough or sneeze without knowing it.
This is a symptom of much, because there is no subjective symptoms himself, So be careful and not think about the infection, it is also the case that by such a person, the virus is spread.